How Does a Family Live With a Bipolar Child

Whether you've merely been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or are concerned y'all, or someone you honey, might accept it, you're probably confused and scared. Take a deep breath and know this: Anybody featured on HealthCentral with a chronic condition felt similar you practise now. Merely we—and they—are hither for you. Here, you'll discover the realities and challenges of the condition, only too the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, where to observe your bipolar community, and all the crucial information to help yous not simply manage—merely hopefully thrive. We're certain you have a lot of questions…and we've got the answers you need.

Bipolar Disorder

Frequently Asked Questions

Is manic depression the aforementioned as bipolar disorder?

Many people utilise the terms interchangeably, and they do usually refer to the same condition. But considering some think that terms similar "mania" and "manic" (which carry the ring of the pejorative "maniac") accept a negative connotation, professionals often discourage use of the term "manic depression."  Some people prefer the term "bipolar" because it sounds more scientific and less stigmatized than "manic depression."

Is mania the same every bit psychosis?

No. With mania, a person's mood is strangely elevated, irritable, or both. People have feelings of grandiosity, they don't sleep, their thoughts race, and they may speak fast or engage in abnormally risky beliefs. Psychosis causes a person's thoughts and perceptions to get so off that they lose touch with reality and can have delusions. During a manic state, a person with bipolar can experience elements of psychosis (that said, not all mania includes psychosis). But psychosis can happen with depression, a very high fever, other mental disorders, or all sorts of other reasons.

Is bipolar disorder genetic?

Bipolar disorder does tend to run in families, suggesting that genes are involved. However, studies of identical twins take establish that even when i twin develops the status, the other twin may not, then while genes can make a person more than prone to bipolar, many factors have to collide for a person to really develop the disorder.

Are bipolar symptoms different in men and women?

For the most function, they're the same, although women accept a college take a chance of rapid cycling: when someone has iv or more manic, hypomanic, or depressive episodes in a year. Women also tend to have more low than their male person counterparts.

What Is Bipolar Disorder, Anyway?

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental status that causes major abnormalities in mood, thoughts, energy, and behavior—the kind of changes that cause noticeable impairments to your twenty-four hours-to-day life. We all have ups and downs, but people with bipolar disorder experience these in extreme states, chosen mania and depression (though they may also go for stretches when they have no symptoms at all). These intense mood shifts can interfere with personal relationships, impairment careers, and disrupt your power to but go through the day.

Bipolar disorder statistics, age of bipolar diagnosis, how bipolar affects men vs women, number of Americans with bipolar disorder, percentage of patients with severe bipolar symptoms, number of bipolar forms

Nikki Cagle

But bipolar is manageable. The right combination of medication, therapy, and healthy lifestyle changes tin can assistance well-nigh people with bipolar alive productive lives total of fun, meaning, and connection.

Bipolar Facts

  • Bipolar disorder is, on average, diagnosed around age 25, but it can be spotted in teens and more rarely even younger children, or begin for someone in their 40s or 50s.

  • An estimated 4.4 % of adults, in this land will experience the condition in their lifetime.

  • Rates of bipolar are equal amongst men and women in the U.S.

  • About 83% of people with bipolar disorder are classified as "severe," which ways their illness causes serious impairments.

Are There Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

Aye—four, in fact. The first ii types listed below are the most common, but all involve substantial changes in mood, energy, thought patterns, and beliefs.

Bipolar I Disorder

The most serious grade of bipolar, bipolar I disorder is marked by manic episodes that last at least seven days or are so serious that the person needs immediate hospital care. Separate depressive episodes usually last at least 2 weeks. Both mania and depression can besides occur simultaneously. Men and women are equally afflicted by bipolar I, only women are often diagnosed afterward in life than men. Nearly cases of bipolar I are diagnosed betwixt the ages of 25 and l, with 10% of cases diagnosed later on 50 (known as belatedly-onset bipolar I disorder).

Bipolar 2 Disorder

Similar to bipolar I, simply the manic episodes are less intense for those living with bipolar II. Mania for this type is called hypomania—which episodes tend to concluding a few days compared to mania's that last a calendar week. Women are afflicted by bipolar Two and experience depressive episodes more than than men.

Cyclothymic Disorder

Likewise known as cyclothymia, this is a milder course of bipolar disorder, where symptoms fluctuate betwixt short periods of hypomania and mild depression that occur over a period of 2 years for adults, and i year in teens and children. During that time, symptoms are ongoing and mood remains stable for no more than two months in a row. The emotional fluctuations are shorter than for bipolar I or II. Cyclothymia affects men and women as. Less than one-half of those who feel cyclothymia will go on to develop bipolar disorder; in others, these milder mood symptoms can go along every bit a chronic condition or eventually disappear entirely.

Other Specified and Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorders

As it sounds, this is a catch-all phrase. Here, the symptoms are similar to bipolar disorder merely don't meet the total range of criteria that would pb doctors to brand an actual bipolar diagnosis.

What Are Bipolar Signs and Symptoms?

The symptoms of bipolar vary from person to person, but at that place are mutual symptoms related to each mood. Here is what to look out for.

Symptoms of Bipolar-related Depression

Unlike situational depression, bipolar low is a medical status that may occur without a life experience trigger. Information technology's important to understand if the depressive symptoms you feel are related to bipolar disorder since it will dictate treatment. Commonly used anti-depressants can make the situation worse in a bipolar private. Let your md know if yous are experiencing any of these symptoms.

  • Feeling sad

  • Feeling lethargic or tired

  • Feeling worried or anxious

  • Eating more than usual and/or gaining weight

  • Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or sleeping also much

  • Inability to complete simple and/or daily tasks, such as going to work or school

  • Having difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

  • Not enjoying activities that once gave pleasure, including having diminished sex drive

  • Feeling worthless, empty, or hopeless

  • Having thoughts of death or suicide, or attempting suicide

Bipolar-related Psychosis Symptoms

Psychosis is a suspension with reality. More than half of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience psychotic mood episodes during their lifetime. Here are the symptoms to look for:

  • Experiencing hallucinations of seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, or physically feeling something that isn't there

  • Experiencing delusions or strongly held imitation beliefs but unable to run into the thoughts are not true

Symptoms of Bipolar-related Mania and Hypomania

Mania is more intense than hypomania merely they share the aforementioned symptoms. For instance, mania tin can last for a week or more, while hypomania lasts for a few days. If you experience 4 or more of these symptoms, your doctor may diagnose you with mania.

  • Having high levels of energy and exhilaration

  • Experiencing grandiose or overblown cocky-esteem

  • Speaking and then loudly or quickly others can't understand y'all

  • Having racing thoughts

  • Starting many projects, just not completing them

  • Non sleeping well and/or having little need to sleep

  • Not eating well, and/or having loss of appetite

  • Engaging in risky behaviors like unprotected sex activity, gambling, or shopping sprees

  • Excessive drinking or alcohol utilise

  • Being easily distracted

  • Being hands irritated or feeling touchy or jumpy

In that location'south a catch-22 with recognizing the symptoms of bipolar, particularly when it comes to mania: Some people with bipolar disorder just don't realize what'south going on, often considering they bask the high—it tin can brand them experience similar they're on tiptop of the world. They have an affluence of energy, they're more creative than ever, they're friendly and talkative. They may even experience that it's the all-time part of their lives. Mania has been described as beingness on speed without the speed, which makes sense: The same chemicals that are released in the encephalon from amphetamines may be released in the manic stage.

But whether information technology is mania, depression, or psychosis, experiencing four or more episodes in a year is known every bit "rapid cycling." This pattern of cycling occurs in 10% to 20% of people living with bipolar disorder.

Signs of Bipolar Disorder, signs of mania, signs of depression

Nikki Cagle

What Causes Bipolar Disorder and What Are the Risk Factors?

Experts don't know exactly why someone develops bipolar, and there's no one thing that sparks it. Information technology's likely a combination of environmental and genetic factors, meaning events that occur and how your body responds to them. These are some of those possible factors.

Your Brain/Biological Traits

Abnormalities in the brain's construction and function tin can increase the risk for bipolar disorder. Chemicals in the brain that regulate thoughts, moods, and beliefs can also be out of balance in those with bipolar.

Genetic Factors

Bipolar disorder is one of the most hereditary mental illnesses; nonetheless, its occurrence just happens most 25% of the time. Recent genetic studies have found that bipolar disorder may have genetic markers that overlap with schizophrenia, major depression, and other conditions. More enquiry is needed to pinpoint specific markers. This may explain why having a parent, sibling, or child with bipolar disorder increases a person'southward chances of having it themselves.

Sex activity

In general, men and women get bipolar disorder at equal rates, including bipolar I and cyclothymia. Still there are some central differences in how sexual practice affects bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Disorder in Men

Men have a higher incidence of manic episodes and unipolar mania, (manic episodes without depression). Likewise, men with bipolar 2 tend to have significantly amend ability to function in their daily lives than women with bipolar II. Men with bipolar disorder also accept higher reported rates of deport and substance utilise disorders.

Bipolar Disorder in Women

Compared to men, women are more likely to have bipolar II and experience more rapid cycling (going up and downwardly in mood chop-chop). Women also experience more episodes of bipolar depression than men. They also have more ofttimes reported rates of other mental wellness conditions such as phobia, panic disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, and borderline personality disorder in addition to bipolar disorder. Among adolescents, the prevalence of bipolar disorder is slightly college for girls than boys. Women also experience biological changes that increase their risk of bipolar symptoms, including:

  • Hormonal changes. Fluctuating hormones during menstrual cycles and menopause tin make women'southward bipolar symptoms more severe, but they do not crusade the disorder.

  • Pregnancy and birth. Giving birth can also trigger symptoms, especially low, in women who accept bipolar disorder. Women who experience bipolar symptoms later giving birth are also more likely to have episodes post-obit other pregnancies, and are greater risk of developing postpartum psychosis, which is a medical emergency.


Bipolar disorder is predominantly diagnosed before age 50—unremarkably around age 25. Bipolar disorder that begins early in life, known every bit early onset, tends to be more severe throughout life, has a worse prognosis, and has a college rate of suicide.

Identifying bipolar early on can help children and teens be treated sooner; studies have plant that early on treatments tend to take a more beneficial impact. Let'south take a closer look at how bipolar appears in children and teens.

Bipolar Disorder in Children

Overall, ane.8% of the pediatric population has bipolar disorder. Irritability is the most frequent manic symptom, as well as a decreased need for slumber. Poor sleep, racing thoughts, inappropriate responses in social situations, and family history of bipolar have all been linked with a higher risk of experiencing bipolar symptoms, such as mania, equally a child.

Bipolar Disorder in Teens

Most 3% of the population historic period thirteen to 18 have bipolar disorder, with 2.6% of them experiencing astringent symptoms. While hyperactivity is the near frequent manic feature in adolescents with bipolar disorder, preliminary enquiry in teens found that the onset of mania may start gradually with 3 or more symptoms, including irritability, decreased performance, mood swings, and increased free energy.

High Stress/Trauma

Highly upsetting events—like divorce, the death of a family member, or losing a job—can trigger a bipolar incident. Also, people who've experienced a traumatic outcome—such every bit sexual or physical corruption, neglect, or the decease of a parent early on in life—accept an increased chance of developing bipolar disorder subsequently.

Drug or Alcohol Corruption

At that place is a legitimate chicken-or-egg questions when information technology comes to bipolar disorder and substance abuse. Some researcher suggests that those who corruption drugs or alcohol are at a higher risk for developing bipolar disorder, while other research suggests that drug and alcohol abuse is a common style people with bipolar try to bargain with symptoms. Frequently, substance use disorders (SUDs) and mental health issues occur at the same fourth dimension, including bipolar disorder, with 9.five million U.S. adults experiencing both SUDs and mental wellness disorders.

Sure Health Conditions

Other mental and concrete conditions, known as comorbidities, tin can also occur with bipolar disorder. As with substance abuse, information technology'south not always clear which comes first, but what we do know is that betwixt 1 one-half to two thirds of people with bipolar accept an underlying mental health comorbidity, especially anxiety disorders, SUDs, and behavioral disorders. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and eating disorders are also common with bipolar disorder. Traumatic encephalon injuries accept also been linked with bipolar disorder. And recent findings published in the Journal of Affective Disorders estimates that well-nigh a third of all people with bipolar also have experienced migraine headaches.

Get More Info on Bipolar Causes

How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?

Usually, people wait an boilerplate of near six years later the start sign of bipolar disorder to get diagnosed and treated—often because of that positive reaction to mania nosotros explained above. Many people seek help only when they're in a depressive country. Merely antidepressants tin can brand bipolar disorder worse, so information technology's important that a professional gets a full medical history to ensure a proper diagnosis. Steps to getting a bipolar diagnosis tin include the post-obit:

Concrete Exam

To diagnose bipolar disorder, a healthcare provider may perform a complete physical test and society medical testing, including blood and urine analysis, to rule out other conditions that can affect brain function or mood. Hypothyroidism, for example, where the trunk doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, can wait like bipolar.

Mental Health Evaluations

If concrete problems don't explain symptoms, a primary medico or other healthcare provider tin can besides carry a mental health evaluation. They'll inquire virtually your moods, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how these things touch on work, school, relationships, and other aspects of life. Evaluations are ordinarily conducted using questionnaires and in-person interviews.

If bipolar or another mental health disorder is suspected, your primary doctor may refer yous to a trained mental health professional for further evaluation, such equally a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, or licensed professional advisor.

Mood and Slumber Journal

You lot may be asked to keep a daily record of mood and sleep patterns. This tin help determine the underlying mental wellness issue and severity of the disorder, as well as whether poor slumber quantity or quality could be contributing to your symptoms.

Diagnostic Criteria

Mental health professionals base of operations a diagnosis on criteria established through the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), also known every bit DSM-5. With bipolar I specifically, a person does non really take to accept experienced a period of low to be diagnosed; one manic episode, even so, is enough for a bipolar I diagnosis.

Diagnostic criteria are used to rule out or identify other mental health issues, including major depressive disorder (MDD). While those with bipolar disorder experience depressive symptoms astringent enough to be classified as having MDD, MDD differs in that it does not involve extreme highs and shifts in mood, thoughts, and behavior.

It'due south important to get an accurate diagnosis because the initial use of antidepressant medications to treat depression can trigger a manic episode in those with bipolar disorder.

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a circuitous condition that frequently requires a combination of therapies to manage its symptoms. Below are the treatment options that you and your healthcare team will tap into.

Bipolar Medications

We can't stress this enough: Medication is crucial after a diagnosis of bipolar disorder equally it can help continue confusing mood swings at bay. The immediate goal is to help stabilize mood and reduce symptoms. One time those are under command, prescription drugs tin can help forbid, or reduce the intensity, of future manic and/or depressive episodes. The 2 most commonly prescribed treatments for bipolar are mood stabilizers and anti-depressants.

Mood stabilizers include lithium-based medications and anticonvulsants:

  • Lithium-based medications take been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of manic and hypomania episodes, also equally lessen depression and gamble of suicide. These are normally prescribed as:

    • Eskalith (lithium)

    • Lithonate (lithium)

    • Lithobid (lithium)

  • Anticonvulsants can exist prescribed for those who can't tolerate the side effects of lithium. Originally prescribed to stop those with epilepsy from having seizures, anticonvulsants can piece of work to stabilize mood, researchers believe, by allaying the electric activity in the brain. Normally prescribed anticonvulsants for bipolar disorder include:

    • Depakote (valproate)

    • Lamictal (lamotrigine)

    • Tegretol (carbamazepine)

Antipsychotic drugs can piece of work in a few hours, so doctors often prescribe these in conjunction with mood stabilizers, which can take up to two weeks to achieve their full effect.

  • Antipsychotics include:

    • Abilify (aripiprazole)

    • Geodon (ziprasidone)

    • Haldol (haloperidol)

    • Latuda (lurasidone)

    • Risperdal (risperidone)

    • Saphris (asenapine)

    • Seroquel (quetiapine)

    • Vraylar (cariprazine)

  • Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are used to treat manic or mixed episodes. SGAs that are FDA-canonical to treat bipolar depression include:

    • Seroquel/XR (quetiapine)

    • Symbyax (combination of fluoxetine and olanzepine), which acts as both a depression treatment and a mood stabilizer.

Other medications used to care for bipolar disorder symptoms include:

  • Antidepressants are medications used to treat low and might exist used for bipolar depressive symptoms. These are include:

    • Aplenzin, Forfivo XL, Wellbutrin/SR/XL, Zyban (bupropion)

    • Celexa (citalopram)

    • Cymbalta (duloxetine)

    • Effexor, Effexor XR (venlafaxine)

    • Lexapro (escitalopram)

    • Paxil, Paxil CR, Pexeva (paroxetine)

    • Prozac, Serafem (fluoxetine)

    • Zoloft (sertraline)

    • Older antidepressant medications, including tricyclics, tetracyclics, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

  • Anti-anxiety medications reduce the symptoms of fear, worry, and panic attacks, and include iii benzodiazepines, which can too aid with sleep issues:

    • Ativan, Lorazepem Intensol (lorazepam)

    • Klonopin (clonazepam)

    • Niravam, Xanax/XR (alprazolam)

  • Slumber medications may aid people sleep and are prescribed based on the type of indisposition that occurs.

    • Lunesta (eszopiclone)

    • Rozerem (ramelteon)

    • Sonata (zaleplon)

    • Edluar (zolpidem)

Medication isn't one-size-fits-all, of course—anybody reacts individually—just it's a very effective kickoff line of treatment. And information technology is a very necessary office of existence able to live a productive life with bipolar disorder. Effectiveness of medications change overtime so be sure to talk to your doctor if you start seeing symptoms, as information technology may mean that information technology is time to change your course of handling.

Like many medications, those used for bipolar treatment take side effects. Some of the near common are:

  • Diarrhea

  • Hair loss

  • Kidney impairment

  • Liver damage

  • Nausea

  • Sexual issues

  • Tremors

  • Weight gain


When paired with medication, psychotherapies can help people empathize what'due south going on and provide coping strategies to amend handle the challenges you lot face with the disorder. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family unit therapy, and psychoeducation are all types of psychotherapies that have shown to exist effective for bipolar disorder. Find out more about each below.

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (ISRT)

This therapy helps improve people's moods by looking at their biological and social rhythms. It focuses on stabilizing cyclic rhythm disruptions that usually occur with bipolar, unremarkably by stabilizing daily routines. Specifically, the goal is to better manage life'southward disruptions, so that medication adherence and quality of life are improved. A preliminary written report in the Annals of Full general Psychiatry found that six months of ISRT helped improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and mania in people with bipolar disorder, as well equally making daily life easier and improving their response to mood stabilizers.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Through CBT, those with bipolar depression acquire to alter their negative thinking and behavior and comprise coping strategies to manage their negative thoughts and behaviors. It has been constitute to decrease the relapse charge per unit and improve depressive and manic symptoms, forth with daily functioning, though the effect is mild-to-moderate. A review of the studies centering around bipolar and CBT published in PLoS Ane concluded that CBT sessions of ninety minutes or longer improved low and mania.


Learning about what bipolar disorder ways is often the outset step to getting needed aid. Psychoeducation's goals are typically to help you understand the causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments for your mental health condition. Once you know what to expect, you can showtime taking steps to meliorate your status, and so you lot can prevent relapses and amend medication adherence. It can occur in group or individual settings.

Family-Focused Therapy

Bipolar disorder isn't merely difficult for you, it's a challenge for anyone caring for yous, including family unit and friends. As the name implies, family-focused therapy (FFT) brings the family together to identify whatever difficulties and conflicts and help find ways to resolve them. It may also include psychoeducation, then that everyone close to yous understands bipolar. Children and teens with bipolar disorder have been shown to do good from family-focused therapy. And a review of thirty years of research has found that when FFT is paired with mood stabilizing medications, recovery from mood episodes is accelerated, and relapse reoccurrence and symptom severity is reduced.

Other Treatment Options

  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is some other choice for people who have intense low that hasn't responded to medications, or for those who can't be on certain meds, such every bit pregnant women. This controversial therapy uses electric currents placed on specific locations on the head while the person is sedated.

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a newer brain stimulation that uses magnetic waves to treat some types of depression. It's still unclear how this treatment affects those with bipolar disorder.

  • Clinical trials might offer new handling options for those with bipolar disorder. If you are interested in participating, talk to your physician about these opportunities and if they are right for you.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes tin exist more influential than you might think. They include:

  • Charting your mood. Sometimes specific things can trigger an episode. Recognizing these particulars can help yous manage them more effectively—or even avoid them birthday.

  • Sticking to a regular routine. Keeping to a schedule seems to help those with bipolar sidestep unexpected triggers for mood swings. Slumber, in particular, is clutch: Impecuniousness tin can set off manic episodes. A regular exercise habit tin help, as well, not to the lowest degree because it aids in deeper, more refreshing sleep.

  • Practicing stress-management techniques. Since bipolar disorder tin exist triggered by stress, activities such as yoga or meditation tin can assistance at-home the mind.

  • Create a support network. Having a network full of people who provide a source of strength to help you lot manage the challenges and experience less alone during treatment and beyond is of import. Family and friends or a support group of others living with bipolar can provide encouragement.

  • Detect healthy hobbies or sports. Regular practice promotes better sleep, and other enjoyable hobbies can help reduce or manage stress.

  • Don't drink alcohol or use recreational drugs. These can exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Hospital Treatment

Being hospitalized tin be necessary in emergency situations, when psychosis is involved, or when there are thoughts of or attempts at self-harm or suicide.

Common Bipolar Treatments, medication, lifestyle, alternative therapies, psychotherapies

Nikki Cagle

Can Natural Remedies Assist Bipolar Symptoms?

Natural remedies may be en vogue, but when information technology comes to treating bipolar disorder you should stick with the tried-and-true—at least for now. Science hasn't found that popular complementary therapies, such as acupuncture and dietary supplements, do annihilation to control the symptoms of bipolar. That said, here'southward what nosotros know so far about natural remedies and their effect on bipolar. Maybe one day they will exist found to better symptom severity—until then, proceed with circumspection.


Acupuncture, the ancient Chinese practice of inserting fine needles on specific points on the trunk to confer physiological benefits, is beingness studied for its effects on depression. One early written report suggests acupuncture may exist more effective and safer than no treatment at all, and could work besides equally tetracyclic antidepressants. However, the bear witness is low and of poor quality. More rigorous studies are needed before acupuncture can be considered a viable alternative to traditional, well-studied treatments.


Herbal, vitamin, and mineral supplements haven't been researched enough to understand their result on individuals with bipolar. Some supplements that show some hope or are being studied for their use for bipolar disorder include:

  • Fish oil. Specifically, the omega-3 fatty acids mutual in fish oil continue to be studied for their issue on depression and mental health disorders. So far there are no conclusive or meaningful results. What's more than, there's research that indicates some benefit might exist experienced when omega-3 fatty acids are used in improver to an antidepressant, rather than every bit a replacement for it.

  • Rhodiola rosea. Urban lore has it that this herb promotes energy, stamina, mental chapters, and athletic performance, and reduces the effects of stress, depression, and feet. Nonetheless, there are no rigorous studies using people with bipolar. And while some preliminary studies testify the herb could be helpful when used with mood stabilizers to control depressive symptoms and occasional mild mania, it shouldn't be used without a physician'southward supervision.

  • SAMe. Besides known as s-adenosyl-50-methionine, Same is a naturally formed chemical constitute in the body. Those with depression tend to accept aberrant levels of it in their bodies, merely when it comes to bipolar disorder, Same supplementation may non be safe because it may worsen the symptoms of mania. People with bipolar disorder should not take Same unless under the supervision of a wellness care provider.

What's the Bipolar Outlook?

For about, bipolar disorder is a lifelong affliction. To manage symptoms, it requires long-term, continuous treatment. On boilerplate, the life expectancy for those with bipolar disorder is 11 to 20 years less than for the general population. Reasons for reduced life expectancy include:

  • Engaging in high-risk behaviors

  • Delayed diagnosis and treatment

  • Not having access to mental health care

  • Symptoms of bipolar interfering with handling for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease or cancer, worsening the prognosis for those diseases

  • Increased risk for suicide

What You Should Know About Bipolar Disorder and Suicide

Thoughts of self-damage or suicide, and attempts at self-harm or suicide can happen during both manic and depressive episodes. Overall, an estimated 25% to 50% of those with bipolar disorder volition try suicide at least one time in their lives, with between 6% and 19% dying by suicide.

Signs of Suicide

Recognizing the signs of suicide is the first footstep toward prevention and getting needed help. Signs of suicide include:

  • Talking nigh self-damage, wanting to dice or suicide

  • Expressing feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or shame

  • Feeling equally if you are a burden to others, or that you're trapped or have no reason to alive

  • New or increased alcohol and drug use

  • Researching suicide methods

  • Giving away possessions or making a will

  • Withdrawing from people and activities

  • Sleeping too much or as well trivial

  • Maxim goodbye to family and friends

  • Angry or aggressive behavior

  • Engaging in risky behavior, such every bit driving too fast

Getting Assist During a Crisis

If you recognize the in a higher place signs in yourself or someone yous love, it's important to go aid. If you're in a crisis, go aid as soon every bit possible by:

  • Calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK

  • Using the Crunch Text Line by texting "Howdy" to 741741

Bipolar and Relationships

Living with bipolar disorder is not always easy—for you, if you lot've got it, only also for the people effectually you. Bipolar disorder can take a cost on relationships with friends, family unit, spouses, romantic interests, and work colleagues.

The manic phase of this disease tin can be exhilarating when you're experiencing it, just it tin can be harrowing for your friends and family unit. The person with bipolar feels similar they tin practise anything, often causing them to engage in risky behaviors—impulsively quitting their jobs, gambling away their savings, and other types of sweeping life changes—which can injure themselves or loved ones.

The low stage of bipolar can likewise exist debilitating—simply in the opposite way. If you have bipolar, not knowing how you're going to feel on a day-to-twenty-four hour period basis can crusade insecurity, anxiety, and panic. Therapy can be very benign in helping you encounter the effect you lot're having on others. It can also teach you means to educate those around you lot about your mental health challenges and how they can best help yous. At that place are also opportunities for your loved ones to also participate in therapy, specifically through family unit-focused therapy.

When Someone You Honey Has Bipolar

If yous have a friend or family fellow member with bipolar, there are specific means to assist. Since information technology can be difficult for a person in the manic stage to realize anything's off, it'southward important for you lot to be aware of the signs and become help for them if necessary.

How would you lot exist able to tell? The person wouldn't exist interim like their usual cocky, typically for several days or even weeks. If someone you care nearly has been diagnosed with bipolar and stops taking their medicine, that's some other reason to call the doctor ASAP or urge them to do so.

Yous might too consider asking your friend or family member about attending doctor appointments with them to enquire some questions or give your perspective on how your friend is doing. While there's a gamble your loved i might feel this ask is also intrusive, talk information technology through: Communication—lots and lots of information technology—can aid build trust. People with bipolar sometimes feel like a burden, so permit them know you dearest them and yous're there to listen, without judgment.

Where Tin I Find Bipolar Disorder Communities?

Sometimes it can feel like yous're the only i in the earth struggling with bipolar disorder. Because of the stigma of mental health disorders and the misunderstanding about bipolar, non anybody talks openly about it. Fifty-fifty if you accept friends and family who love and care for yous, you lot may still feel like nobody understands exactly what you're going through. Spending time with others who share similar struggles can make you lot feel less isolated and alone.

In addition to feeling understood, a support group can help you live improve with the illness: Hearing about others' experiences treatment problems—like managing medication side effects or how they've told people nearly the status—gives y'all tangible advice you tin can use in your own life.

Top People With Bipolar Disorder to Follow on Social Media

  • Natasha Tracy, @BipolarBurble on Facebook, @natasha_tracy on Twitter, @natasha_tracy_writer on Instagram,

Follow because: As an honor-winning writer and speaker, Natasha not only has the expert chops to bring you show-backed information, only she has the first-person experience to bring you the realities of living with bipolar disorder. The philharmonic explains why her blog and social media pages are accounted by many as best in the bipolar biz. She'due south also the author of Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Low & Bipolar.

  • Bassey Ikpi, @basseyworld on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,

Follow because: She'southward non simply an inspiration considering she graces The New York Times best-selling author listing (for I'grand Telling the Truth, simply I'm Lying), or even considering she'southward a strong Nigerian-American woman speaking her truth—but also because she doesn't let her bipolar define her or concur her back. When the fog clears, she pushes through. When the fog is present, you tin find personal reminders to herself to not let fear and disaster consume her…correct on her Insta feed.

  • Hannah Blum, @hannahdblum on Facebook and Instagram,

Follow considering: She'due south young, cool, and as modern-twenty-four hours as it gets—giving you inspiration and management for how to alive in a healthy mental state in a world of social media. Not limited to: relationships and dating, personal stories, and the occasional quote that speaks to your soul.

  • Kitt O'Malley, @kittomalley on Instagram and Twitter, @kittomalleyauthor on Facebook,

Follow because: She shares every pace of her balanced life, which is quite busy considering, as her LinkedIn shows, she hops effectually quite a flake, in careers (from real estate to marketing, now writer) and in life—which is a adequately normal trait for someone with bipolar disorder. Join her on her journey and pick up everything she'due south learned over the years (and through the careers). She'due south also the author of Balancing Deed–Writing Through a Bipolar Life.

  • Julie Fast, @juliefast ,

Follow because: When you're the original consultant for Claire Danes on Homeland (who plays a CIA amanuensis with bipolar disorder) and won the Mental Health American Journalism Award for the best mental health column in the U.S., then yeah, you just follow her. She's likewise the author of several books on mental health, including Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner and Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder.

  • Gabe Howard, @gabehoward29 on Twitter and Instagram, @gabehowardspeaker on Facebook,

Follow because: What doesn't he do? Gabe makes his rounds as an award-winning writer and speaker and hosts a podcast (keep scrolling for deets). His weblog taps into how today's environment and popular civilization are affecting the mental health customs. He's also the writer of Mental Illness is an Asshole.

Acme Bipolar-Related Podcasts

  • Non Crazy. This podcast is for people with mental wellness conditions…who hate mental health podcasts. Hosts Gabe Howard (who has bipolar) and Jackie Zimmerman (who has depression, generalized anxiety disorder, MS, and UC) eliminate all of the psycho-blubbering: They know first-hand that most people don't generally wonder near the "country of their mental health" merely might very well worry about whether or not, in their words, they're "crazy."

  • The Bipolar Family. Only as it sounds, this podcast is hosted by a family of people with bipolar disorder (mom, dad, and ii of their three kids). From vacations to piece of work life, relationships to family dynamics, The Bipolar Family unit is real, raw, and so addicting (in a perfectly normal and healthy manner).

Top Bipolar Support Groups and Nonprofits

  • Depression and Bipolar Back up Brotherhood (DBSA). Front and center, its bulletin "You are non alone" speaks volumes. The nearly powerful resources? Connecting you with in-person and online support by your zip code. In that location's also an online community for parents of children with bipolar or depression.

  • U.S. Department of Health & Homo Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. Its mission is to provide programs, policies, funding, and personnel to advance mental and substance use disorder prevention, handling, and recovery services. You'll find links to aid you locate treatments equally well as lots of helpful information.

  • National Alliance on Mental Affliction (NAMI). The nation's largest grassroots mental health arrangement, NAMI is an umbrella for nearly 1,000 community-based capacity that offer programs, provide skills training, and can help you find treatment and other resources.

  • Mental Health America. This nonprofit does a ton of advocacy to protect the rights of those living with mental illness. They engage with legislators and policymakers to work toward laws and regulations focusing on prevention, early intervention, and fair insurance rules for people with mental health atmospheric condition.

  • International Bipolar Foundation. Whether you lot're living with bipolar disorder or caring for someone who does, this grouping is like a shoulder to lean on. Get connected for volunteer opportunities, or just dive deep into their resource on everything from relationships and therapy to medication and coping strategies.

  • Bipolar Facts (1.): National Institute of Mental Health. (2017.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Bipolar Facts (2.): National Alliance for Mental Health. (2017.) "Bipolar Disorder." condition/bipolar-disorder

  • Unlike Types of Bipolar: National Institute of Health. (2021.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Bipolar I Disorder (ane.): International Periodical of Bipolar Disorders. (2021.) "Has Bipolar Disorder Become a Predominantly Female Gender Related Status? Analysis of Recently Published Large Sample Studies."

  • Bipolar I Disorder (two.): Cureus. (2018.) "Late-Onset Bipolar ane Disorder." https://world wide

  • Bipolar I & II Disorder: U.S. Section of Health & Homo Services, Office on Women's Health. (2018.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Cyclothymic Disorder: National Institute of Wellness. (2021.) "Cyclothymic Disorder."

  • Bipolar Symptoms (1.): Low and Bipolar Support Alliance. (north.d.) "Mental Wellness Screening Center."

  • Bipolar Symptoms (2.): National Institute of Mental Wellness. (n.d.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Recognizing Psychosis (1.): Bipolar Disorder. (2018.) "Psychosis in Bipolar Disorder: Does It Represent a More than 'Severe' Illness?"

  • Recognizing Psychosis (2.): The New England Journal of Medicine. (2019.) "Unsteady Thoughts — Telling the Truth of Psychosis."

  • Mania vs. Depression: National Establish of Mental Health. (2016.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Genetics and Bipolar Disorders (i.): U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2019.) "Bipolar Disorder: Inheritance Pattern."

  • Genetics and Bipolar Disorders (ii.): Molecular Psychiatry. (2020.) "The Genetics of Bipolar Disorder."

  • Bipolar Disorder in Men: British Journal of Pharmacology. (2019.) "Sex Differences in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Mail service-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Are Gonadal Hormones the Link?"

  • Bipolar Disorder in Women: National Institute of Mental Health. (November 2017.) "Bipolar Disorder." https://world wide

  • Historic period and Bipolar Disorder (ane.): American Journal of Psychiatry. (2018.) "Early Intervention in Bipolar Disorder."

  • Age and Bipolar Disorder (ii.): Psychiatria Polska. (2020.) "Clinical Movie and Treatment of Bipolar Affective Disorder in Children and Adolescents."

  • Bipolar Disorder in Children: Bipolar Disorders. (2021.) "The Association Between Manic Symptoms in Adolescence and Preschool Symptoms: The Importance of Family History."

  • Bipolar Disorder in Teens: Bipolar Disorders. (2014.) "Blazon and Elapsing of Subsyndromal Symptoms in Youth with Bipolar I Disorder Prior to Their First Manic Episode."

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse: National Alliance for Mental Health. (2020.) "Substance Use Disorders."

  • Bipolar and Alcohol: Mayo Dispensary. (2019.) "Bipolar Disorder and Alcoholism: Are They Related?" condition/bipolar-disorder/expert-answers/bipolar-disorder/FAQ-20057890?p=1

  • Certain Health Conditions: National Institute of Wellness. (2021.) "Bipolar Disorder."

  • Migraine Headaches: Journal of Melancholia Disorders. (2021.) "Revisiting the Bipolar Disorder With Migraine Phenotype: Clinical Features and Comorbidity."

  • Diagnostic Criteria: National Found of Mental Health. (due north.d.) "Low."

  • Bipolar Disorder Treatments: Bipolar Disorders. (2018.) "An Update on Adjunctive Handling Options for Bipolar Disorder."

  • Drug v. Non-Drug Therapies: U.Due south. Department of Wellness and Man Resources. (2018.) "Treatment for Bipolar Disorder in Adults: A Systematic Review."

  • Psychotherapies: Focus. (2019.) "Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Bipolar Disorder." https://world wide

  • Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (ISRT): Register of Full general Psychiatry. (2020.) "Efficacy of the Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Results from a Existent-World, Controlled Trial." https://world wide

  • Cerebral Behavioral Therapy (CBT): PLoS Ane. (2017.) "Efficacy of Cerebral-Behavioral Therapy in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-Assay of Randomized Controlled Trials."

  • Psychoeducation: Bipolar Disorders. (2015.) "Psychoeducation for Relapse Prevention in Bipolar Disorder: a Systematic Review of Efficacy in Randomized Controlled Trials."

  • Family-Focused Therapy: Family Procedure. (2016.) "Family-Focused Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: Reflections on 30 Years of Inquiry."

  • ECT and Pregnancy: Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. (2020.) "Electroconvulsive Therapy in Pregnancy: Safety, All-time Practices, and Barriers to Care.",.20.aspx

  • Acupuncture for Bipolar Disorder (1.): Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports. (2020.) "Acupuncture for the Treatment of Depression and Concrete Symptoms in Chronic Bipolar Disorder: A Instance Written report."

  • Acupuncture for Bipolar Disorder (two.): Complementary Therapies in Medicine. (2019.) "The Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture for Low: An Overview of Meta-analyses."

  • Rhodiola for Bipolar Disorder: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. (2013.) "Mood Disorders and Complementary and Culling Medicine: a Literature Review."

  • SAMe for Bipolar Disorder: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Wellness. (2017.) "S-Adenosyl-Fifty-Methionine (SAMe): In Depth."

  • Life Expectancy in Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar Disorders. (2015.) "Life expectancy in Bipolar Disorder."

  • Bipolar Disorder and Suicide: The Psychiatric Clinics of Northward America. (2016.) "Suicide Behaviors in Bipolar Disorder: A Review and Update for the Clinician."

Leslie Pepper

Leslie Pepper

Leslie Pepper is a freelance writer specializing in health, nutrition, fettle, and wellness. Her work has appeared in dozens of consumer magazines including Meliorate Homes and Gardens, Woman'southward Day, and Parents, also as on websites such every bit, WebMD and BHG Interactive.

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